Draft Hate Incident Policy for Housing – Consultation


What is happening?

We are consulting on a draft Hate Incident Policy for Housing using the council’s engagement platform, Your Voice.

What is the Hate Incident Policy?

The policy is a guide which explains how the council responds to hate incidents affecting council tenants and leaseholders where they live. This includes people who live in our Seaside Homes and Temporary Accommodation homes.

Why is the council consulting on the Hate Incident Policy?

New regulatory standards for social housing were introduced in April 2024. We need to respond to these changes by creating a separate Hate Incident Policy clearly setting out our approach to how we deter and tackle hate incidents.

We want to hear residents feedback on the draft policy so we can strengthen our response hate incidents.

How can I read the Draft Hate Incident Policy and respond to the consultation?

You can read the draft policy and respond to the consultation by answering some questions using this link: Project: Draft Hate Incident Policy for Housing | Brighton & Hove City Council (brighton-hove.gov.uk).

The questions are available in Easy read and there is an option to translate the questions online. If you require assistance with translation, alternative formats or you would prefer to take part by speaking to someone, please contact Housing Customer Services on 01273 293030 or email housing.customerservices@brighton-hove.gov.uk.

If you have reported hate incidents to us before, there is also an option to tell us more about your experience.

The survey is open until Monday 11th November.

What happens next?

The results of the consultation will help shape the final policy, which will be used by Housing alongside the Anti social behaviour policy.

We are aiming to launch the final policy by early summer 2025.

Any further questions?

Please contact the Performance & Improvement Team at housing.performance@brighton-hove.gov.uk